Gaian Tarot by Joanna Powell Colbert

… healing the earth, healing ourselves …

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The Opportunity The Challenge The Resolution
7 - the Canoe
Focused on your path

You have the opportunity to stay focused on your path, and to exercise self-discipline as you work towards your goal. Set aside anything extraneous that would distract you or keep you from completing your task. What is your goal? What do you want to accomplish? This may apply to your life in the everyday world — pursuing a course of study, a career goal, a fitness plan, a creative project. It may also apply to your inner life; perhaps you are in a recovery program or are healing from a trauma. Whatever it is, set your intention, take your first steps, and your guides and allies will be at your side to help you on your way. Be of great courage! No matter how hard it seems, you have what it takes to win the prize.
20 - Awakening
Getting conscious

You are being challenged to raise your consciousness and "wake up" in some way. Perhaps you will make a commitment to eating locally-grown organic foods, or perhaps you will begin a new spiritual practice. You now perceive yourself to be part of the global community. You know that your choices and actions affect the entire web of life, and you live your life accordingly, as best you can. As you continue to open yourself up to the life of the Spirit, your heart is filled with compassion and you begin to let go of the judgments and criticisms you have made in the past. To live in alignment with your deepest, most authentic Self is not possible without the help of spiritual allies. It's this knowledge that keeps us humble. You know that your life has purpose and meaning, and this gives you deep joy and peace. Service to others may not have been part of your life in the past, but it is now. When each person gives their own unique gift to the world, the entire fabric of the planet is strengthened and enriched.
4 - the Builder
Structure, boundaries, foundation

Resolution comes with making decisions through intellectual reasoning, rather than your emotions or intuition. You may ask yourself: "What am I building? Are the foundations of my life based on strong structures? Are my boundaries clear and well tended?" You are ready to take responsibility for a project where you have authority over others, and where your leadership skills can shine. What kind of a leader are you? Do you lead by example or by dominating? Are you secure enough in your own abilities that you can share power with others? Do you take into account the longterm consequences of the decisions that you make? You may also exemplify the Good Father who loves, guides and protects his children — and gives them the security of clear boundaries by disciplining them when necessary.

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Tips for reading the cards:

  • What’s your initial emotional response to the card?
  • Does it remind you of anything? If so, what?
  • Does one element or detail of the card leap out at you? What does it say to you?
  • Trust your intuitive reading of the card before reading the accompanying text.

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